MeCCSA is offering a number of bursaries to attend the 2024 conference, which will be held at Manchester Metropolitan University, 4 – 6 September 2024.

Each bursary is worth £500 as a contribution towards the costs of conference attendance including fees, travel, and accommodation. Successful applicants will be reimbursed on production of receipts and bank account details. Please see below for guidance on eligibility, criteria for decision-making, and how to submit your form.


The deadline is 25th March 2024. Please note that no late applications will be considered.


This bursary scheme is open to PhD students who are members of MeCCSA (either individually or as an institutional member). To be eligible, you must:

• be registered as a PhD student at a UK university;

• not be able to apply for institutional financial support to cover costs to attend conferences, nor have conference money as part of your PhD funding.

• not be in permanent, fixed-term or full-time employment;

• complete the Conference PhD Bursary Scheme form. No other modes of application will be considered.

Please note: Extenuating personal circumstances are not part of the eligibility criteria.


Assessment of applications will be based on your eligibility combined with the quality of the academic work being presented.  The criteria for assessment are:

a) originality/quality of the research;

b) its potential to further the field in significant ways and/or address a pressing issue in the field;

c) its relevance to the field of Media Communication and Cultural Studies and topics outlined in the Call for Papers.

Application Process

You may apply for a bursary as soon as your abstract has been submitted and you have received an application number. Your application for a bursary will only be considered after your abstract has been accepted for inclusion in the conference. Please remember that applications that are not submitted on the Conference PhD Bursary Scheme form will not be considered.

Application Form

Please download and complete the application form, then email it to Please put your last name and ‘conference PhD bursary scheme’ in the email subject heading.

Your application should contain the following:

• a 250 word statement that outlines

  • the originality of the research,
  • its potential to further the field and/or addresses a pressing issue,
  • its relevance to the field of Media Communication and Cultural Studies and/or conference topics outlined in the Call for Paper

• confirmation that you are not able to apply for conference funds through your institution or as part of your PhD funding

Please do not simply resubmit your conference abstract – that will make your application ineligible.

If you have any questions about the MeCCSA Conference PhD Bursary Scheme, please contact Milly Williamson at