28 July - 14 August 2025
Location: Modal
Event Type: In-person
Price: Free
Jazmin Morris re-imagines Modal gallery as a community resource, activated with talks, workshops and an interactive library. The ‘library’ will push the boundaries of knowledge sharing and traditional archiving, situating carefully curated media as a tool for collective resistance and liberation, with aims to distribute media both online and offline. Jazmin has been inspired by play, sharing knowledge, and the theme of worlding*, using creative computing and games design as mediums for social/political criticism.

*Making worlds together, inspired by the question ‘what kinds of worlds are needed at this time of ecological crises?
Details on how to participate will be announced soon.
This event is part of Commons, a unique programme fostering innovative approaches to digital practice, inviting digital practitioners to draw upon new opportunities for collaborating, making and resourcing. Selected artists have been invited to showcase recent works whilst developing new and ambitious projects within a community of artists, researchers and technologists.
Commons is a joint commitment by Abandon Normal Devices and the School of Digital Arts (SODA) to platform emerging art forms and push the boundaries of digital practice, devised as a prompt to rethink our approaches to digital practices and ask if we can develop new models for commissioning, experiencing, interpreting and preserving digital art that reflect the inherent values of digital culture.
Launching in April 2025, the programme will offer access to resources and expertise at SODA that will support the bold visions of practitioners working at the intersection of art and technology. Audiences will have the opportunity to see works-in-progress as they evolve, making the processes of dialogue, experimentation and iteration in digital art practice visible as part of the showcase.
Over the spring and summer of 2025, through Commons, we will invite digital artist Jazmin Morris and artist collective Keiken to showcase a selection of their work, offering a glimpse into their artistic practices and inquiries for visitors throughout the duration of their respective shows. Through both presentations and showcases, Keiken and Jazmin Morris will hold space for a more inclusive and participatory exchange of knowledge and experiences with visitors. They will work closely with a hyper-local community of students, academics and local groups, delving into the conceptual, technical, political and collaborative aspects of creating immersive digital worlds.
This programme is a collaboration between Abandon Normal Devices (AND) and Modal gallery at Manchester Metropolitan University’s School of Digital Arts (SODA). AND is supported with public funding from Arts Council England.