Reed Hillman, R., 2024. Bearing Ethnofest Film Festival, Goethe Institue, Athens.
Reed Hillman, R., 2022. Bearing Film Geographies / Association of American Geographers, New York, USA, 1/3/2022.
Book Chapters
Reed Hillman, R., 2024. 'Bearing: A Feminist Film Ethnography'. In Empirical Art : Filmmaking For Fieldwork in Practice, Manchester University Press.
Journal Articles
Reed Hillman, R., 2022. 'Emotion, Identity and the Dissenting Gaze: Documenting the Self in Early Motherhood ~Reflections from my film and photography autoethnography Bearing', MAI Feminism and Visual Culture.
Conference Papers
Reed Hillman, R., 2022. 'Bearing: becoming a mother, becoming an ethnographic filmmaker. Performativity and identity making in feminist visual ethnography as emotional thick description.', Royal Anthropological Institute Film Festival and Conference, Bristol.
Reed Hillman, R., 2022. 'Visualising maternal loneliness and the liminal identity of new motherhood: documenting everyday labour and journey making as an autoethnographic resistance to narratives of maternal madness.', European Association of Social Anthropologists, Queens University, Belfast, 26/7/2022 - 29/4/2022.
Reed Hillman, R., 2021. 'Body and Senses as Subject / Resistance Bearing - Audio/Visual programme', International Society of Ethnology and Folklore 15th Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 19/6/2021 - 24/6/2021.