I am a Senior Lecturer in Photography at SODA, with extensive experience of the shaping and delivery of creative education in a range of contexts and communities. I teach on the BA (Hons) Photography programme, and lead third-year activity, with involvement in the degree show and associated external activities.

My artistic practice spans historic material photographic practice, performance, installation and film.  Engagement with archival materials considers what is, and isn’t, archived, and the historiographies of landscape. Ecological considerations within lens-based arts, and sustainable darkroom practices, are of recurrent interest. I have published on folklore and submerged landscape, and presented at conferences around haunted landscapes, folk horror, and domestic film.

Work is currently concerned with literary and folkloric readings of post-industrial landscape, involving critical engagement with water legacies and energy futures.  In this work I am involved in the Welsh Energy Humanities research group led by colleagues in Cardiff University and the University of Bangor.