Fox, S., Woolridge, D., Preston, Y., Macfarlane, S., Lee, S., McGhie, H., Higginbottom, R., Leeming, C., Jones, A., Dewhurst, J., Poyser, T., Bridge, T., 2024. 'Thinking Outloud' exhibition (Manchester School of Art, UK, 2024), Benzie Building MMU Vertical Gallery, 14/3/2024 - 30/4/2024.
Mitchell, D., Greenslade, D., Acevedo, R., Fox, S., Palser, M., Kearns, T., Goodby, J., Coleman, J., Hughes, R., Lockheart, J., Blagrove, M., 2024. Minotaur Ballet Surreal, Volcano Theatre, 27-29 High St, Swansea, Wales, 8/10/2024 - 26/10/2024.
Fox, S., Paroline, F., Nguyen, K., Jiaotong, X., Nogueira, M.R., Collard, A., Lloyd, J., Bannister, D., Chavez-Dawson, M., Khalid, F., Keighley, T., 2024. Storytellers & Machines, Modal Gallery SODA, MMU, 2/7/2024 - 4/7/2024.
Page, R., Fox, S., Preston, Y.W., Lee, S., Bonnell, S., Parry, G., Skorska, E., Howe, S., Robinshaw, J., Jones, A., Waltering, S., 2022. Paper Geographies - A collective exhibition of staff and students photographs from MMU/SODA, Artelier Alonso, Arles France, 4/7/2022 - 11/7/2022.
Feuerhelm, B., Christia, N., 2018. The Family Of No Man - Time Capsule, Picter Online Exhibition, 2/7/2018.
Fox, S., Bacon, T., 2016. The Forgotten -The Unborn. TF2016, Descartes Gallery 1 Matthews Yard, Off Surrey Street Croydon, CR0 1FF, 22/7/2016 - 29/7/2016.
Fox, S., Hoyle, D., Taylor, S., Nosnibor, C., 2015. 'The Visceral Tear' book launch & readings. Transgressive Art & Performance., The Wonder Inn, 14/11/2015 - 14/11/2015.
Higgins, J., Knobel, D., Silverthorne, J., Baseman, J., The Bardo Group, , 2014. Between Subject & Object Exhibition & Conference (Human Remains At the Interface Of Art And Science)., Michaelis Galleries, University of Cape Town, Old Anatomy Theatre, Hiddingh CampusSouth Africa, 8/8/2014.
Fox, S., Darby, H., Koudounaris, P., 2014. Encountering Corpses M.M.U. Exhibition (Humanities In Public), Manchester Museum Manchester & The Sacred Trinity Church, Salford, UK:, 28/3/2014.
Mayhew, M., Fox, S., Parsons, T., 2012. The Allery - (Pop Up) Gallery, Arte Gallery, Whalley Range, 1/6/2012.
Fox, S., Murphy, E., Shields, R., 2009. 'Cunt & The Family'. Contents May Vary. 'Antifreeze' Art Car Boot Sale of Sixty Artists., Chips Building Car Park, Ardwick, Manchester UK, 4/7/2009.
Fox, S., Mayhew, M., Campbell, L., 2008. 'The Genital Portrait Series', Arte Studios, Upper Chorlton Rd, Whalley Range, 24/5/2008.
Zhou, T., Fox, S., Duffy, J., 2007. 'All Go Digital', Manchester Metropolitan University Academics Show/Xiamen University/Guangzhou Academy, Bejing, China, 10/2007.
Fibicher, B., Macho, T., 2007. 'Six Feet Under' - Autopsy of Our Relation to the Dead' II, Deutsches Hygiene - Museum Dresden, 20/9/2007.
Fibicher, B., Macho, T., 2006. 'Six Feet Under' - Autopsy of Our Relation to the Dead I, Kuntsmuseum, Bern, Switzerland, 2/11/2006.
Huffman, K.R., Stephenson, P., Jack, H., Fox, S., 2005. 'Conversations on the Subject of Feminism', Cornerhouse, Manchester, 29/7/2005.
Hawley, S., Waltering, S., Jones, A., Magee, J., Crow, D., Butler, J., Bellingham, D., Fox, S., 2005. 'Sex, Death and Flat Pack Furniture', Holden Gallery, MMU, Grosvenor Building, Manchester, 14/4/2005.
Fox, S., 2005. Rogue Artists Studio Open Exhibition, Rogue Studios, 66-72 Chapeltown St, Piccadilly Manchester M1 2WH, 3/12/2005.
Fox, S., 2004. Rogue Artists Studio Open Exhibition, Rogue Studios,, 20/11/2004.
Fox, S., Coode-Adams, B., Robbins, F., Magee, J., Chuhan, K., 2003. Explore Expand Exchange E3, Manchester Museum, The University of Manchester. Manchester Museum, Manchester, 10/2003.
Fox, S., 2003. Rogue Artists Studio Open Exhibition, Rogue Artists Studios, Chapeltown St, Piccadilly M1 2WH, 22/11/2003.
Fox, S., 2002. Rogue Artists Studio Open Exhibition, Rogue Studios, 66-72 Chapletown St, Piccadilly Manchester, 23/11/2002.
Fox, S., 2001. Rogue Artists Open Studios, Rogue Artists Studios, 2001.
Stone, P., 2000. 'Inferno' LMN Exhibitions. Liverpool.Manchester.Newcastle. 3 Cities., Guildhall, Quayside, Liverpool, 10/10/2000.
Schnicke, K., 2000. 'Late Liberties' Tales of The Older Generation Tour, Swiss National Museum (Scweizerisches Landsmuseum), 14/4/2000.
Schnicke, K., 2000. 'Late Liberties' Tour, SiemensForum Munchen Oskar-von-Miller Ring 20 Munchen, 22/8/2000.
Schnicke, K., 2000. Late Liberties, Museum De Arbeit, Germany, 15/11/2000.
Moynihan, D., Hirst, D., Quinn, M., Turk, G., Orlan, , Witkin, J.P., Lucas, S., 2000. Psycho, Anne Faggionato Gallery London, 10/2/2000.
Forster, A., Scott-Bray, R., Baturin, J., Farrell & Parkin, , Huber, D., Thorneycroft, D., Jacobson, B., 2000. The Liminal Body, Australian Centre For Photography (ACP) Sydney, 8/9/2000 - 15/9/2000.
Peyroulet, G., Waplington, N., Miyamoto, R., Van Oost, J., Collyer, R., Tremorin, Y., 1999. 'La Mort' The Dead, Gilles Peyroulet & Cie, Paris, France, 23/10/1999.
Bauret, G., Strand, C., 1998. 'Recontres Internationales De La Photographie', Arles, France, 7/1998.
Williams, V., Hobson, G., 1997. 'The Dead' Tour 'Mois De La Photo', Saidye Bronfman Gallery, Montreal, Canada, 1/10/1997.
Greenaway, P., 1997. Flying Over Water' (Volar Damunt L'aigua). An Exposition of Peter Greenaway., The Miro Foundation, Barcelona, Spain, 6/3/1997.
Salaman, N., 1996. 'What She Wants', Kvindemuseet I Danmark, Arhus, Denmark, 14/1/1996.
Williams, V., Hobson, G., 1996. The Dead, NMPFT National Museum of Photography, Film & TV, Bradford, UK, 5/10/1996.
Salaman, N., 1994. 'What She Wants', Stills Gallery, Edinburgh UK, 24/9/1994.
Salaman, N., Wiltshire, H., 1993. 'What She Wants', Impressions Gallery, York UK, 18/9/1993.
Jackson, D., 2024. 'A Promise And A Nice Time.', Peste, 70 Oldham St, Manchester M4 5EB, 24/10/2024.
Fox, S., 2024. 'The Exorcism of Susan Fox Book Launch', Anthony Burgess Centre, 6/4/2024.
Fox, S., Ryder, L., Harrison, V., Ayres, J., Chadwick, H.H., Taylor-Wood, H., 2022. ''The Sex Lectures' featuring Sue Fox reading from 'Cocks & The Apocalypse'', Antony Burgess Foundation, 30/9/2022.
Mitchell, D., Nosnibor, C., Leyshon, M., Fox, S., Sebley, A., 2021. ''On The Offensive' performance evening with Oneiros Books & Publishing & Pregoblins lead singer and selling merchandise and books', Anthony Burgess Centre, 2/12/2021.
Dellasandro, K., Fox, S., Nosnibor, C., Cherry, L., Sebley, A., 2021. 'Kim Dallesandro & Her Magical Musical Spoken Circus with Pregoblin & Guests', The Troubadoor, London, 16/9/2021.
Lunch, L., Fox, S., Thompson, E., 2015. 'From The Page To The Stage', Islington Mill, 11/10/2015.
Fox, S., Seitl, M., Lundahl, C., 2013. 'Four Stages of Conversations @ Fierce Festival 2013', Warwick University Campus - Helen Martin Studio, 6/10/2013.
Fox, S., Athey, R., Newman, L., Maire, L., Martaragas, O., 2012. ''Gifts of The Spirit '- Automatic Writing with Ron Athey & Co. @ Fierce Festival 2012', Trove, Old Print House, Fierce Festival, Birmingham, 7/4/2012.
Athey, R., Fox, S., Newman, L., Maire, L., Martaragas, O., 2011. ''Gifts of The Spirit' with Ron Athey', Whitworth Hall, University of Manchester, 27/6/2011.
Fox, S., Phillips, A., 2009. ''The Decomposition Of The Flesh' 2009', The National University of Ireland, Galway., 2009.
Fox, S., Milne, A., Sheilds, R., Hoyle, D., Campion, J., 2008. 'Extreme Clown Show Down, Club Brenda, Eurocultured Festival in Dublin 2008.', Dublin, 24/4/2008.
Fox, S., 2008. 'Fresh Meat Frat House', Green Room, 18/7/2008.
Fox, S., 2024. 'The Exorcism of Susan Fox', Incunabula Media.
Fox, S., 2023. 'Carnival of the Bizarre', Incunabula Media.
Caduff, C., Fox, S., 2022. 'Making Dying and Death Public. New Practices and Discourses in Literature, Art, Film and the Internet 2010-2020 (Sterben und Tod öffentlich gestalten Neue Praktiken und Diskurse in Literatur, Kunst, Film und Internet 2010-2020).', Fink Verlag.
Paquette, C., Kleinfelder, K., Miles, C., May, K., Fox, S., 2021. 'Art and the Dynamics of Circulation, Suppression, and Censorship', Bloomsbury NY.
Fox, S., Voigt, K., 2020. 'Eine neue Sichtbarkeit des Sterbens in der Architektur | Spaces for the Dying. On a New Visibility of Dying in Architectural Design', Sterbeorte. Academic Publishing Bielefeld, GermanySterbeorte. Academic Publishing Bielefeld, Germany.
Wells, L., 2015. 'Photography: A Critical Introduction', Routledge.
Fox, S., 2015. 'The Visceral Tear (The Art of Cuntography)', Oneiros Books.
Böhle, K., Berendes, J., Gutmann, M., Trotha, C.R.V., Scherz, C., 2014. 'Computertechnik und Sterbekultur', LIT Verlag Münster.
Maes, H., 2013. 'Pornographic Art and the Aesthetics of Pornography', Springer.
Rodgers, C., Maskell, L., 2012. 'A Contemporary Western Book of the Dead', Mandrake Press.
Lopez, J., 2010. ''Doppleganger' - Antique Children', AQC Createspace.
Lopez, J., 2010. 'SPIT 'Antique Children'.', AQC Books.
Macho, T., Marek, K., Fox, S., 2007. ''The New Invisibility of Death' Die Neue Sich Barkeit Des Todes.', Wilhelm Fink.
Mey, K., 2007. 'Art and Obscenity: On the Margins of the Aesthetic in 20th century Western Visual Culture', I.B. Taurus.
Dunn, A., 2007. 'Fifteen Plus One', AXIS Design.
Fibicher, B., Frehner, M., Friedll, S., Lutz, H., 2006. ''Six Feet Under' - Autopsy of Our Relation to the Dead'', Kerber Verlag.
Newton, K., Rolph, C., 2006. ''Still Life' Photography By Women', ffotogallery.
Wells, L., 2006. 'Photography: A Critical Introduction, 5th ed'.
Hallam, E., Hockey, J., Howarth, G., 2005. 'Beyond the Body Death and Social Identity', Routledge.
Kieran, M., 2005. 'Revealing Art', Psychology Press.
Bryant, C.D., 2003. 'Handbook of Death and Dying', SAGE.
Yorath, D., 2003. 'Photography - A Crash Course', Ted Smart USA.
Anthony, J., 2002. 'Trangressions - The Offences of Art', Thames and Hudson.
Jelden, E., Jung, M., 2001. 'Projekt Leben Ethik für die Oberstufe', KLETT.
Townsend, C., 1998. 'Vile Bodies - Photography and the Crisis of Looking', Published by Prestel in Association with Channel Four Television Corporation, Munich.
Greenaway, P., Fox, S., Danuser, H., 1997. 'Flying over water (Volar Damunt L'aigua)', Merrell Holberton.
Fox, S., Brake, J., 1997. 'Post Mortem', Viewpoint Photography Gallery & Artbase Studio.
Wells, L., 1996. ''Photography: A Critical Introduction' 4th ed.', Routledge.
Williams, V., Hobson, G., 1995. 'The Dead', National Museum of Photography, Film and Television.
Salaman, N., 1994. ''What She Wants'', Verso.
Schmidt, M., Kranstedt, F., Keller, M., Kriesel, B., Kunze, H., 2009. ''Sterben Im Museum'. (Dying In A Museum). 'L'Expose du Mort' ('The Exposition of Death')'.
Macdonald, T., 2004. '"Tonight with Trevor Macdonald"'.
Fox, S., 2002. ''Faith Without Walls''.
Wilson, A., Chavez Dawson, M., Crook, A., Fox, S., 2002. 'The Works'.
Turner, C., 2001. ''Gallery Explorer 38''.
Blast Films, , Kent, J., 1997. 'VILE BODIES (A Three Part Channel 4 TV Series)'.
Internet Publications
Fox, S., Moore, A., Mitchell, D., McCain, D., Gregorits, G., De La Cruz, D., Louras, N., Shiffrins, K.R., Reed, C., Gorton, T., Tosch, N., Nosnibor, C., Routh, B., Wells, P., Kirton, H., Lester, J.C., Grimes, R., Wright, D.P., 2010. 'Paraphilia 6.',
Fox, S., Mitchell, D., McCain, D., Godden, S., Bellocq, C., Christian, C., Begg, M., Follett, R., Vision, P., Wright, D.P., Meade, R.A., Kirton, F., Gionfriddo, D.P., Garmon, R., Routh, B., Wells, P., 2009. 'Paraphilia 3.',
Fox, S., Mitchell, D., McCain, D., Graves, S., Stingray, J., Maben, A., Godden-Rowland, C., Gregorits, G., Williamson, J., Guttersaint, , Routh, B., Wells, P., Blur, B., James, D., Tosches, N., Grimes, R., Butterworth, M., Suzanne, A., 2009. 'Paraphilia 5.',
Mitchell, D., McCain, D., Fox, S., Lopez, J., Severin, S., MacDonald, K., Nosnibor, C., Roth, M., Platt, C., Flynn, A., Havoc, J., Parantela, C., Kirton, H., Marceau, D., Wells, P., Garretson, T., 2009. 'Paraphilia Magazine 1.',
Mitchell, D., Lopez, J., Fox, S., Buckland, M., Sennitt, S., Butterworth, M., Soriano, F., De La Cruz, D., Routh, B., Flynn, A., Meade, R.A., 2009. 'Paraphilia Magazine 2.',
Conference Papers
Fox, S., Darby, H., 2014. 'The Visceral Tear - Post Mortem', Encountering Corpses Symposia MMU Humanities In Public IHSSR, Manchester Museum, 24/3/2014 - 24/3/2014.
Fox, S., 2005. ''Contemplations On The Corpse'', 'The New Invisibility of Death' - 'Die Neue Sichbarkeit Des Todes' Conference., Ahorn-Greineisen, Berlin, Germany., 17/11/2005 - 19/11/2005.
Fox, S., Simblett, S., Costin, S., Richardson, R., Baseman, J., Wildgoose, J., Tim, M., 2002. ''The Emotional Impact Of Photographing Post Mortems And Crematoria'.', Fox, S. 'The Business of the Flesh - Art, Science & Access to the Human Body', Ruskin School of Art, 2/11/2002 - 2/11/2002.
Fox, S., Scott-Bray, R., Foster, A., Thorneycroft, D., Baturin, J., Huber, D., Jacobson, B., Farrell & Parkin, , 2000. ''Sensing Death- The Chiaroscuro Of Touch in The Mortuary Photography Of Sue Fox' By Sue Fox & Dr. Rebecca Scott-Bray', 'Death, Dysfunction & the Olympic Ideal' Conference alongside an exhibition., ACP. Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney, Australia, 8/9/2000 - 8/9/2000.
Biggs, J., Swenson, A., Jackson, D., Trela, A., Cain, A., Birkett, J., Ersin, H.E., Lloyd, J., Green, B., MacDonald, L., Nguyen, K., Jiaotong, X., Noguiera, M.R., Collard, A., Chavez-Dawson, M., Keighley, T., Fox, S., 2024. 'Storytellers + Machines Conference, 2-4 July 2024', Modal Gallery SODA Talk.
Balshaw, S., Kino, J., Peak, M., 2010. 'Kino Film Festival 2010', AMC Cinema.
Fox, S., 2008. ''Aspects Of Death'', The Lowry Theatre, Manchester.
Fox, S., 2008. ''The Genital Portrait Series'. Paper entitled 'Art & Cyber Sex' with discussion and Q&A afterwards with Michael Mayhew and Steph Magenta.', ART' Studios, Whalley Range, Manchester..
Fox, S., Grennan, S., 2003. ''The Art of Cross Dressing Throughout History' for 'Escape Your Garb' workshop', The Circle Club, Manchester. Funded by Redeye Photographers Network. 2003..
Fox, S., Emin, T., 2001. ''Death, The Final Chapter'. Artists Talks @ MMU', Manchester Metropolitan University, Geoffrey Manton LT1.
Fox, S., Ian, B., Hamilton-Knight, M., 2001. ''Taboo'', Richard Goodall Gallery, Manchester.
Other Outputs
Cuthbert, V., 2010. 'Judge at Kino film festival', Involved in judging the Best International Animated film category at the Kino film festival 2010.